Sometimes your site might not work properly. Usually, if this is going to happen, it will occur during migration or while adding a domain name. If this happens you might not be able to access your WP admin panel. If that happens, how can you dump the cache to test your code and database edits?
No problem! Simply access your site on Indystack's server via SSH.
- Open the Terminal on your computer. In Windows you can find it by searching for "Terminal"
- In your Indystack admin panel, head to the SFTP & SSH access area. Click the link icon at the end of the SSH field at the bottom.
- Paste it into your terminal and hit Enter on your keyboard
- You will be prompted for a password. Go back to your SFTP & SSH access page and click the link icon beside the password field.
- Paste the password in your terminal. NOTE: You will not see any password in your terminal. Not even any placeholders. When you paste it will look like nothing happened. Simply hit enter, after pasting, and you should now be connected.
- Now that you are connected, we must find the home directory for your WordPress site.
- Type "dir" and hit enter.
- You should see "public" in the results.
- Now type "cd public" and press enter. ("cd" is for change directory)
- You should now be in the public folder, so let's type "dir" again and hit enter. You should see "public_html" in the results.
- Now type "cd public_html" and then enter.
- Now type "wp cache flush" and hit enter. You should receive a message that the cache was successfully flushed.
- You can also type "wp indystack cache purge --all" and hit enter for a full cache purge.
That's it!